Zercher Deadlift

Zercher deadlift blog

The Zercher Deadlift is a powerful yet often overlooked exercise that can transform your training routine. Named after the legendary strongman Ed Zercher, this unique movement engages your body differently from other deadlift variations. In this article, we’ll explore how to correctly perform the Zercher Deadlift, its benefits, and some alternatives to diversify your workout program.

What is the Zercher Deadlift ?

The Zercher Deadlift is a variation of the deadlift where you hold the barbell in the crook of your elbow, using the strength of your arms and body to lift the weight. This unique position, with the barbell in the crooks of your elbows, intensely engages the upper body muscles, particularly the traps, rhomboids, and biceps.

Techniques & muscles worked

Like other deadlift variations, the Zercher Deadlift targets the back, hamstrings, quads, glutes, and traps. However, holding the bar in this position also engages your biceps and challenges your core, improving hip and knee extension.

Starting position

To start, adopt a wide deadlift stance with your feet wider than hip-width apart. Place the loaded barbell next to your shins, with the bar above the middle of your feet. Squat down as far as you can and push your shoulders forward at the bottom of the squat. Then, keeping your elbows shoulder-width apart, slip your hands under the bar until it rests in the crooks of your elbows. This is your starting position.

Benefits of the zercher deadlift

Increased upper body strength

The Zercher Deadlift requires significant upper body strength and stability. The forward hunched position needed to grab and hold the barbell will significantly target the upper back muscles. These tissues are stimulated while being in a continuously lengthened position, which differs from the results of a typical straight-back deadlift.

Improved leg muscle mass

The Zercher Deadlift requires more knee and hip extension due to the lower starting position. This activates all your leg muscles, using more muscle tissue than conventional squats and deadlifts, leading to greater muscle mass in your legs.

Enhanced back strength and hypertrophy

If you want that impressive “Christmas tree” back, this is the exercise to do. How you hold the barbell and bend keeps your upper and lower back engaged throughout the exercise, challenging your back and leading to increased strength.

Core strength

Zercher Deadlifts put your core in a position where it must contract hard to keep you stable. As a result, core muscles like your abs and obliques experience significant growth and definition.

Carryover to deadlifts, squats, and combat Sports

The Zercher Deadlift makes conventional deadlifts and squats look easy. This exercise uses the same muscles and increases their strength, making it easier to deadlift and squat with proper form. Combat sports and strongman athletes might find this variation more valuable due to the rounded back and unconventional arm grip similarities with their movements.

Zercher squat vs. Front squat

The Zercher Squat uses the same grip as the Zercher Deadlift and is not for the faint-hearted. This front-loaded squat will challenge your muscles but can help you improve your squat depth. Compared to the front squat, the Zercher Squat generally allows you to lift more weight, providing a greater overload for your quads.

Mobility requirements

The starting position of the Zercher Deadlift requires significant ankle, knee, and hip mobility. Additionally, reasonable shoulder mobility is needed. For these reasons, athletes struggling with mobility might need to regress this exercise. Using a power rack and starting the lift just below the knees is an excellent solution to progressively improve mobility.

Powerlifting belt

Zercher deadlift alternatives

Touch & go deadlift

The Touch & Go Deadlift is a variation that only experts should try. Instead of dropping the barbell to the floor, touch it lightly and begin your second rep immediately. This increases your grip strength, explosive power, and muscle growth.

Deficit deadlift

The Deficit Deadlift is performed on an elevated surface, increasing your range of motion. As a result, your muscles spend more time under tension, leading to muscle hypertrophy.

Bulgarian split squat

The Bulgarian Split Squat is notable for its engagement of the core while holding dumbbells in each hand or placing a loaded barbell on your back. It is an excellent exercise to vary your squat and deadlift routines.

Zercher carry

The Zercher Carry is another excellent variation for hitting the core, biceps, traps, and upper back. By carrying the load in the crook of your elbow, you increase the intensity of the exercise for these muscles.

Weightlifting lever belts

Frequently asked questions

What is the point of a Zercher Deadlift ?

A Zercher Deadlift puts you in a deeper squat, increasing your range of motion and making your deadlift more effective. How you grip the barbell also ensures that your back muscles stay engaged throughout the range of motion, leading to more muscle growth.

Is the Zercher lift safe ?

Like all other exercises, the Zercher lift is safe if done correctly. You can check the exercise guide above for a step-by-step guide on how to do this exercise.

What are Zercher lifts good for ?

Zercher lifts are suitable for athletes experiencing training monotony and need an exercise to advance their training. They also better engage the muscles used in your deadlifts and squats.


Although rarely seen in a typical gym setting, the Zercher Deadlift can be a great deadlift variation. It has sport-specific applications for combat athletes and certain strength sports. The Zercher Deadlift can also provide a reasonable hypertrophy stimulus due to the increased range of motion at both ends of the exercise. Additionally, it targets the upper back muscles to a greater extent than a standard deadlift. By correctly incorporating this exercise into your training program, you can overcome plateaus and reach new heights in strength and fitness.

Feel free to integrate the Zercher Deadlift into your workout routine to discover its numerous benefits. Happy lifting !